Little House in the City

Little House in the City

Friday, December 3, 2010

Good Things

I never got around to writing a Thanksgiving post, which is not to say that I have little that I am thankful for--I tried, actually, to write one and had so much gratitude that I froze and couldn't write coherently about it.  So, instead, here are the things that I am grateful for today:

Meine kleine Jacke.

1.  Cats.  My cats.  In particular, small, tidy Jack who immediately commandeers the warm spot when I leave and curls up into an itty-bitty circle to take a nap.  Earlier, he was sleeping beside me and the house was so quiet that I could hear his soft little snores.  I understand the appeal of a dog--I really do--but I love the complexity and depth of my feline relationships.  I also love that Colby just finished tinkling in the potty (self-taught) and is now chasing his tail in a puddle of sunshine. 

2.  The fact that my chickens are absolute freaks for carbohydrates.  I didn't think it was possible for them to love anything like they love cooked spaghetti (kitchen treats from mom!  that look like worms!  oh, joy!!!) --but the stale rosemary sourdough loaf I've been pulling bits from is another huge hit.  There was almost a chicken stampede this morning; who knew that two eyes, a beak, and some feathers could look so pleading and hopeful at the sound of a bread wrapper??

Sunshine, on my shoulders, makes me happy...

3.  The beautiful natural light in my house during midday.  This is something that has been slow to come to the surface--but I've realized lately that I am so grateful for the sunshine coming in the windows.  Especially since we are heading into such a dark season, I am a lucky, lucky girl to not be stuck in an office, under fluorescent lights for the entire span of the daylight hours.  The glowing column behind Jack in the picture at the top of the page is our south-facing bedroom, and when I walk in there, my heart lifts at the beauty of the sun streaming in...I want, like Colby, to bask in the warmth and glory of the light.

4.  The opportunity I have this year to make Christmas gifts. Despite the pressure of getting everything ready in time--not to mention my desire to come up with truly fun stuff, not wretched, church-raffle tacky "crafts"--I am surprised to find how satisfying it is embrace my creativity, and how meaningful it is to be daydreaming about the beloved recipient as I knit, or sew, or bake, or--well, never you mind!  :)  I am ever-grateful for the wonderful people that I am able to call my friends and family.
The yarn shelf.  Yum.

(I should probably also mention my gratitude for this blog--giving me an excuse to put off paper-writing for just a leeeetle longer...!)

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