Little House in the City

Little House in the City

Saturday, July 10, 2010

A pre-inaugural hello

Well, this is new. A blog. What a weird word.

This is not, however, an official first post, because the next chapter of my life is actually still a few weeks away. I will be losing my job and going on unemployment. I will also be trying to finish a master's program in the next year while conjuring up some sort of income to fill in when the unemployment checks stop coming. This is the big tipping point. I am on the verge of the new, and it is a wild feeling, a sort of quiet avalanche of fear, excitement, panic, and impatience that threatens to take over occasionally when I contemplate what's ahead. I went back to school in order to get out of the career and industry that I've been in for the past eight years (which all started by accident) and into something that I love. Here goes.

I want a record of this process to look back upon. Hence the blogging.

I am beginning this blog with a great dearth of bloggish understanding--I don't really follow any and hope I don't make huge blunders. I have, however, always loved to write & have done a lot of it. Bear with me, please, as I learn....

My name is Maggie, and I live in a little house in the city. I am losing my job at the end of July. I am going to spend my time working on school, working on getting to know like-minded people in my community, and working to make a home. That last bit is a bit difficult to say out loud to people and not feel like some 1950's housewife or a person with suspiciously fundamentalist tendencies. But I have long held the opinion that an interest in the traditionally womanly arts and a soundly feminist perspective are not at all mutually exclusive--I think it is sad to completely sever ourselves from the skills of our grandmothers in the name of liberty. What an amazing amount of knowledge, wisdom and experience is being lost! Of course, I dare you to tell me that my world is limited to these pastimes--but I ask that you allow me to cherish them as I am able.

Well, it is late. I had meant to talk about school and flesh this all out some more, but my brain is getting foggy. I'll be back for more soon.

And, voila! First ever bit o' bloggin, done.


  1. You're in my Google Reader now! I can't wait to hear more-- especially once the job ends. I'm confronting some of the same edginess around staying home with my daughter almost full-time (I work a few days every couple months as a literacy coach [see how I feel the need to justify?]). When people say, "You're so...domestic!" with just the slightest wondering sneer in their voice, the feminist, progressive me starts arguing with the crafting, cooking me, and I'm not sure which of them is picking up the CSA box this week. I think making a home is important work, but work that is fraught with a complicated history that requires constant navigating and a lot of self-talk. Over where I am, anyway. I'm glad to be able to read someone else's walk on a similar path!

  2. I've never blogged either but it sounds like you are off to a new adventure and I like your perspectives. Change and upheaval is often terrifying but also exciting. My best to you, my dear! Soke it in...

  3. Thanks so much--both of you. I am surprised to discover that a blog is a way to create community for yourself--it is so encouraging to know that others are interested. I can't express how responses from friends over the past few days have bolstered my confidence in this grand experiment! And Kirsten--I agree completely. I've always been the weirdo who bakes bread and makes her own curtains; the domestic label is an interesting one to navigate. I can't wait to explore all of this!

  4. Hello Maggie! Scott just sent me a link to your blog and it's just wonderful! Can't wait to see where this all takes you. What an adventure! Happy Harvesting!

  5. Hey Jamison-- I'm so glad you are reading along; this has already turned into an unexpected way to connect with people & I am so grateful for the camaraderie. It has been a weird few days of trying to feel my way into a new schedule--now that the job is officially gone. I too look forward to seeing where all of this takes me....

    By the way, you have some beautiful little ones, from what I see on FB. I'll bet they are sweethearts :)

