Little House in the City

Little House in the City

Friday, September 3, 2010

Irvington Skillshare Feastival

"...From canning to cold frames, beekeeping to beer brewing, and rain barrels to worms...explore how to be more self reliant in the garden and the kitchen.  In a festive atmosphere, visitors will be invited to discover community through the sharing of down-to-earth skills."

Irvington is an area of Indianapolis that Jason & I love; even though it was farther away from our old neighborhood than we really wanted, we (I) couldn't resist a day with our realtor last summer looking at the gorgeous old homes for sale.  In the end, Rocky Ripple was a better fit for us, but Irvington remains a wonderful part of the city, filled to the brim with historical buildings, beautiful old trees, and a fantastic segment of the population.  We don't visit as often as we should!

I was excited and a bit surprised to see a flyer for an event in Irvington this fall that seems to coincide almost perfectly with the skills and ideas that I am exploring this year--and I am delighted to share the news with you!  Anyone in the Indianapolis area is welcome and wanted--please come on Sunday, November 7th from1-5pm and see what the Irvingtonians are up to!  More information is available at their blog:  or you can also look them up on Facebook: 

 All sorts of fun stuff to see and do--I am looking forward to it!  Lemme know if you want to car pool!

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